Thursday, November 03, 2005

Distance Blues

A graduate of an online program published her thoughts about it in Library Journal. She argues that for a variety of reasons its better than a traditional degree program. On the other hand, she reports that there seemed to be quite a bit of skepticism among hiring libraries.

I shoud dig around and see if there are any reports with more actual data comparing online and traditional LIS programs -- after I've had more coffee. Yesterday was one of those days: meetings scattered throughout, followed by an evening shift at reference until 10 p.m. and now I'm trying to wake up for an 8 a.m. meeting... all of which probably betrays my inability to manage my calendar more than anything else.



Anonymous said...

I am a student in a "distance program" however it is not a completely online program. My program is through Emporia State University in Kansas but I live and go to school in Portland, OR. We meet in person for two weekend-intensive sessions for each class. The professors are either local or in most cases flown out from the main campus in Kansas. In between class weekends we comunicate on-line through Blackboard software and email. (I used similar software-WebCT--as a traditional local student too.)

We are trying to come up with a different name for it so (in light of the issues in this article) to distinguish it from online only programs. Any suggestions?

Barbara said...

What an interesting question. I like the fact that Emporia says right up front that the face-to-face component is an important part of their take on the profession and that each student belongs to a cohort that makes the journey together. But how to convey that in a descriptive title?

Community-based program? Blended program? It would be nice to pitch the idea that it's a mix of traditional and non-traditional learning situation, which is pretty characteristic of the profession anyway.

All of this makes me wonder what I would like or would miss about my own library school experience. To be honest, since I was working and it was a pretty large program I didn't get to know my fellow students all that well. With an online component, given my tendency to blather away on the computer when I have free time, it may have actually given me a more "social" experience.