Saturday, June 11, 2005

Recommended readings for new academic librarians

Did you just graduate from library school or get your first academic library job? Be sure to check out the article, Ten must reads for new academic librarians, in this month's issue of Reference Services Review (vol. 33, no. 2, pages 228-234).

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Or... put in a request through interlibrary loan! We don't subscribe to this journal and it's not free online. And, interestingly, it's not one of the publications that has arrangements with EBSCOHost, which is the all-purpose some-full-text academic database chosen by the State of Minnesota for a statewide contract.

It will be interesting to see how in the long run these things play out. There is evidence mounting that journals (like books??) that are available online are more often cited, and therefore have a higher "impact." I was talking to a biologist about this whole scene and she had an interesting persepctive. In her field of invasive plant species, there is a society (non-profit) that publishes what was the premier journal in the area of ... wait for it ... weed science. (Sorry, it sounds kinda funny but it's serious science, of course, and important both to envrionmentalists and agricultural biologists.) Anyway, they depend on subscriptions so didn't want to make it all free on the Web, but because it wasn't free on the Web fewere people were discovering the articles and citing them and so they were losing their position as THE journal to go to. It was, for me, another interesting wrinkle in the macroeconomics of information.
